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Saint Elisabeth Fedde

Filed under: , , by: HussainGardezi

Elisabeth Fedde (December 25, 1850 - February 25, 1921) Norwegian Lutheran Deaconess, who foundedFemale SaintsNorwegian Relief Society to better serveFemale Saintscommunity of Norwegian-American immigrants
Elizabeth was born in Fedde Kvinesdal near Flekkefjord, Vest inFemale Saintsprovince - Agder, Norway. Trained, she served as Deaconess Deaconess House Lovisenberg underFemale Saintsleadership of Mother Katinka Guldberg, who were trained inFemale Saintssame Motherhouse Fliedner in Kaiserswerth, Germany.

Elizabeth spent most of his career atFemale Saintsbeginning of Tromsø, where she lived and worked in difficult conditions and primitive. Holidays inFemale Saintsthirty-second birthday, my sister Elizabeth received a letter from his brother in law Gabriel Fedde its task to create a ministry in New York for Norwegian sailors are. She leftFemale SaintsUnited States after three months and arrived on April 9, 188.

Sister, Elizabeth establishedFemale Saintsbeginning of its work on 19 April of that year withFemale Saintsfounding ofFemale SaintsRelief Society Norwegian. Presided overFemale Saintscreation of public works was on Revelation. Mortensen, Gabriel served as a secretary. Initially, haven ofFemale SaintsRelief Society with three small rooms rented for $ 9 a month, and is located at 109 Williams Street, nearFemale Saintschurch inFemale Saintssailor. Sister Elizabeth also made great efforts to visitFemale Saintssick and injured, and write often about his experiences in a journal.

In 1885,Female Saintsopen house Fedde Deaconess to train other women to help in her ministry. OriginallyFemale Saintshouse consisted of a hospital bed, which eventually became nine Lutheran Medical Center in Brooklyn. After staying in New York for several years, and left atFemale Saintsrequest ofFemale SaintsLutherans in Minnesota to come and serve them. She arrived in Minneapolis in 1888 and establishedFemale SaintsLutheran Deaconess Home and Hospital forFemale SaintsLutheran Free Church of next year and assisted in planningFemale Saintsfirst hospital in Chicago.

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