Ethiopian orthodox Church | Ethiopian orthodox | Ethiopian Saints
Everybody I've talked a good forecast of the people through the prophets have been met at different times. Even if there are those that have not been met, it will certainly be fulfilled.
He predicted that "Ethiopia and quickly extends her hand" is spoken of by the prophet "(Ps 67:31) and can be met, and Ethiopia agreed to the Christian faith in 34 AD This happened as stated in the work of the Acts of the Apostles (8:26 -40) was blocked when a eunuch considerable power to the Queen Garsamot (Candace) by Philip, when, and when he went to Jerusalem to celebrate Easter according to the beliefs of the Old Testament. Eseboius, and writer known in the history of the ancient Church, wrote the following about how castration considering what he heard and understood by the St. Philip of Jesus after his return to Ethiopia.

"The eunuch of great authority of the Queen is the first Ethiopian
The fruit of the Christian faith outside the Jews, who learned the secret of
The word of God and believed Philip evangelist. For his
People that he was the first evangelist. And expressed his prophecy
Came in the Book of Psalms 67:11 from Ethiopia has been fulfilled "
(Esebius second book number (1)
After castration, and the Holy Apostles Matthew, Nathnael, Bartholemew, Thomas had preached the Holy Gospel in Nubia and Ethiopia, and this according to historians such as church Rufinos and Socrates.
Although the Christian faith along with baptism and the teaching of the Gospel had entered Ethiopia, due to the presence of a bishop, the Eucharist and other sacraments were not administered until 330 AD
In 330 AD Saint Frementius Syrian, who was by birth and nationality Ethiopian sent to Alexandria to obtain permission from the King Ezana After consecrated by St. Athnasius, 20 Patriarch of Alexandria, and returned to Ethiopia.
Since then, they were administered the sacraments of the Church in its fullness and the Christian religion and became the national debt. Those who have not adequately studied the Christian faith and teaching as they were ordained priests and deacons. And turned the temples and churches, and built churches in every place. Gospel is preached in all Awraja. The sacred books and translated.

St. Frementius for all its work, was awarded the title of "Kesate Brehan Selama" (in the light of peace) and after his time in the Ethiopian Church was recognized at the level of bishoptic.
5 in the twentieth century (480) Nine Saints came from Syria and Asia Minor to Ethiopia, and carry out spiritual. Among the tasks performed by them and a few are:
* Teaching monastic, monastic life.
Translation of books were translated during the Frementius of time.
* Create monasteries everywhere.
* Strengthening of the Church established by Frementius and the like.
Blessed because of their actions they are respected and the saints by the Church of Ethiopia. Churches built in their name.
After this, in the 6th century century (540-560) opened a new chapter in the history of the Ethiopian Church was such a high mark of St. Yared. Saint Yared composed in three types of church anthem used by the Ethiopian Church from now reaching old. He is a composer of sacred music without parallel in the church now stands and because of this Ethiopian scientists estimated it by saying "There is no one before him and after a composer like anthem:. For three varieties of the author is the anthem of Saint Yared Geez, Ezel and Araray. A day for all services provided by the Ethiopian Church is performed with a hymn composed by St. Yared.
From the 7 th century to 10 of the followers of Islam had invaded North Africa and the Middle East hit the Indian Ocean, and this situation is reached in the Red Sea, and the relationship between the Ethiopian Church with the Alexandria and the Christian world were cut. In the 9 th century, an opponent of the Christian faith by the name of Yodit rose from the Jewish community in Ethiopia and came to power, and caused heavy damages to the church. It was useful for the killings of clergy and laity.
In the period of the 11 century is the period of the 15 Ethiopian scientists that appeared in large numbers and churches destroyed by Yodit been repaired and destroyed. Lalibela churches in the world famous also built during this period. Great apostles St. Takla, Saint Anba Giorgis of Gasicha and other saints and came to the fore in a large number during this period. This is the period in which it operates Evangelical embraced all of Ethiopia, and the monastic life and strengthened, and religious books were translated from Arabic to Geez Church and many of the books written by scholars of the original.
Then, in the 16 th century was a period of great trial for the Church of Ethiopia. An internal enemy and foe of the Christian faith rose from eastern Ethiopia in 1539 with the support of the Ottoman Empire, and he caused a lot of suffering and torment and endangering the survival of our church and country. And killed many of the clergy and laity too. That the destruction of churches and church properties. Forced the Christians - a mild heart to convert to Islam and became his followers. But since the people of Ethiopia at that time were strong in their unity, and upright in its moral and sincere in their religion, with the cooperation of Portugal with the power of God, Muhammad Gragn been destroyed.
Gragn after Muhammad, and had shed the blood of many people in an attempt to Jesuit Catholic missionaries to make the people of Ethiopia to accept the Catholic religion. Particularly in the reign of Emperor Susneyos (1595-1623) and Catholic missionaries had created major conflicts in our country, and we in the church.
Although the internal and external forces have risen on many occasions and tried to weaken the Tewahido Ethiopian Orthodox Church, she was found by overcoming the suffering and trial with the assistance of Christ, and a source of strength.
Our church has been under the spiritual leadership of the appointment of bishops who came from the city of Alexandria from the 4 to 20 BC. However, the authority of the bishops who came from Alexandria to Ethiopia was limited to the inauguration, prayers and anointing of kings during the coronation. Administration of the church, however, from the time of St. Takla and then it was in the hands of his successors, and itcheges. Abbey was the headquarters of Itchege Dabre Libanos. We have at the end of this section a list of names and archpriests itcheges in the system, including the time for their service.
The Ethiopian Orthodox Church Tewahido, for the first time St. Harbe (1117-1157) later, during the time of Emperor Yohannes IV (1863-1881) had repeatedly asked the Church of Alexandria to the appointment of bishops from among the scholars of Ethiopia. This request finally got an answer during the first half of the twentieth century.
Accordingly, for the first time, during the reign of Empress Zewditu, on May 21, 1921 four-man Ethiopian Church has been selected and sent to Cairo where they were consecrated by His Holiness the Archbishop Johannes and nineteenth centuries in the Cathedral of St. Mark. In addition, when His Holiness Yohannes in the nineteenth visited Ethiopia in 1922, he devoted Itchege Gebre Menfus Kidus fifth bishop with the name of Sawiros.
Accordingly, Italy invaded Ethiopia during 1928-1933 (European Commission) in order to colonize it, in order to change the Catholic Church to the faith and doom of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church Tewahido scientists. During this period many of the churches and monuments were burned and looted objects and church bishops, priests, monks and deacons were killed.
Nevertheless, our church went through this period of persecution patiently Ideally, have organized themselves again and continued to provide services to the people. After the end of the occupation by the enemy of the country, and four bishops who were consecrated and passed away, and it was difficult to perform services spirits with only one bishop. Again on July 18, 1940, in Cairo, and five Ethiopian Bishops were consecrated by His Holiness the Yosab II.
After the death of Bishop Kerilos Egypt on January 6, 1943, he was appointed Reverend Father Basiliwos and the Archbishop Patriarch of Ethiopia Yosab II.
The Ethiopian Orthodox Church Tewahido in such a way to gather momentum going one after another, to move forward from one stage of development to a better level of development is so on June 21, 1951 Basiliwos Holy Father has been appointed as the first Patriarch of Ethiopia.
Thus, there had been such an authority, and self-reliance through the efforts of historically do not forget the relentless, His Imperial Majesty Hile Selassie, and the desire of scientists by the church and cooperation of the Church of Alexandria.

While made in the Ethiopian Orthodox Church Tewahido independence, and was in the service of the people and peace and to the Beauty and the dissemination of the Holy Gospel, just like the 16 th century were once again confronted with the risk of procedure. This is the stairs atheistic government. Including the leaders of the Church Patriarch, the bishops and clergy have suffered long years of prison. Finally, His Holiness Patriarch Tewoflos brutally.
Holy Father Paulos, patriarch of Ethiopia and the current leader of our church such as the Apostle Paul was imprisoned from anti-Christian government and the stairs during his seven years in prison you have a great deal of martyrdom
"Can a woman forget her sucking child, they should not have compassion on the son of her womb? So they should forget yet and I will never forget Eisaih 49:14-15. God has not given up on the Ethiopian Orthodox Church to be destroyed Tewahido thertrials. Did not forget her in her difficulties. our church went through all these trials have set in the system, and it is now in the service of God and the people.
Tewahido since the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and became independent, has appointed five Patriarchs. During the period from the fifth Holiness Patriarch Abouna Paulos, patriarch of Ethiopia and the Holy Itchege St. Takla achievements unprecedented being witnessed. Newly built palace of the patriarch, and published in the Bible, which contains books and eighty-one according to the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church of interpretation and style of vivid testimony to the continued progress within our church.
The Ethiopian Orthodox Church Tewahido has 32 dioceses in the current within the country, as well as in foreign countries, have congregations in Jerusalem, and the Caribbean, Latin America and the United States, Europe and other parts from outside Africa, Ethiopia, Canada and others. With 40 million followers, and 40 archbishops, and 400 thousand and 30 thousand of the clergy parish churches.
"Is the Lord who raised our church to be praised above all"