Stars and back, which can be used to introduce the twelve tribes of Israel and twelve apostles.
It can also be used in Baptism, in the twelfth day of Christmas, which celebrates the manifestation of the Church of Christ, the Son of God.
Twelve days of Christmas and was probably more the fault of the church year among Christians who are not part of the ritual traditions of the church. Unlike the more common belief, it is not the twelve days before Christmas, but in most countries of the Western Church is the twelve days from Christmas until the beginning of Baptism (January 6, and 12 days in the period from December 25 to January 5 countdown II). In some traditions, on the first day of Christmas begins on the evening of December 25, the next day and is the first day of Christmas (26 December). In this tradition, and the twelve days beginning on December 26, and includes the Epiphany on January 6 last.
Original account of the twelve days of the complex, with the difference in the calendar, and church traditions, and ways to observe this holy day in various cultures (for Christmas). In the Western Church, and is usually celebrated the Epiphany of the Magi or wise men came time gifts for young Jesus (Matt. 2:1-12). Traditionally there were three Magi, probably from the fact of three gifts, in spite of the Bible, the narrative does not say how many Magi came. In some cultures, particularly Latin America and the Latin American culture, January 6 is celebrated as the Day of the three kings, or kings on Span: Fiesta de Reyes, El Dia de los Tres Reyes, or El Dia de Los Reyes Magos; Dutch: Driekoningendag) . Although the December 25 is celebrated as Christmas in these cultures, January 6th, and often the day for gift-giving. In some places is traditional for Christmas in each of the twelve days of Christmas. Since Eastern Orthodox traditions in the use of different religious calendar, celebrate Christmas on January 7 and the observance of Epiphany or Theophany 19 January.