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Catholic Saints
Saint Bartholomew : Philip Friend, in accordance with different traditions, preached the Gospel in Ethiopia, India, Persia and Armenia, where he was martyred by beheading, and criticism of art is the perception held a knife, a paper on his death, August 24 ( Roman rite), 25 August (Byzantine rite). Leonard, according to Foley, and the Office of Foreign Missions, the Director of the revised edition of Saint of life and lessons of the holy day and a new missal) Bartholomew is mentioned only in the list of apostles in the New Testament. Some scholars identify him Nathanael, a man from Qana of Galilee called Jesus Felipe. Once again faced with the fact that we almost do not know anything about this prophet from the Bible. Nevertheless, a few words we do listen to all that is required. The same teacher, and also learned that the Israeli Nathanael is truth and what is not in its hypocrisy. When Nathanael asked him how he knew him, Jesus said: "You look under the fig tree." This statement surprised even Nathanael exlaimed "Rabbi (teacher), and I was the Son of God, you're the king of Israel." Not the Apostles, so far, and expressed confidence in the largest of Jesus after his first meeting with Nathanael. Jesus said that the right to be accurate. This Messenger of religious and, yes, a Jewish shrine. Imagine what King calls, and had never seen before! How can a man call Jesus the Son of God, if only his mind and his heart full of love for God entrancing. Nathanael Jesus completely covered their legs to reveal personal data, therefore, really surprising. During this brief acquaintance with Nathanael, Jesus said that he had more experience in these matters, that the first meeting. Nathanael do more things. He was one of those who Jesus is by the sea of Galilee after the Resurrection.