Cross is one of the first and most widespread Christian symbol. In the broadest sense, it symbolizes the religion of Christianity (and, therefore, appear at the top and left side of this page). More specifically, it represents and memorializes Christ's death. Some hybrids were developed, some with symbolic meaning, while others simply become culturally associated with certain groups.

The simplest and more across the Latin cross on the left. May not come until 2 or 3 centuries. Through the empty, often in favor of Protestants, and reminds Christians of the resurrection of Jesus and the heart, and I am pleased that the Catholic and Orthodox churches, is a reminder of the sacrifice of Christ.

Greek cross in the arms of equal length, is the oldest in transit.

Cross of Calvary or the runway through three steps that could lead to, it might be the skull of the hill, or of faith, hope and love.

Celtic cross is a cross-circle around the complex throughout the project.

Russian Orthodox cross three bars, the lowest bar and inclination. The highest body representing the "INRI" sign placed over Jesus head. In the sense of a tendency is not known with certainty, but perhaps through a Andreyevsky (which resembles the X). Andrew Christian thought introduced to Russia. Crosses on the image above, the right to sit at the top of the dome the Kremlin. Bear in mind that they have a slightly different bottom.

Budden cross is common to all cross. In the decoration of the Trinity.

Light, or the winner of the Greek cross with the first and last letters of "Christ" and "Savior" at the highest level, and the Greek word "occupier, and Diana, at the bottom. The lines above indicate that the letter acronyms.

The winning of the cross represents Christ in the world. Often appear on the Christ in Christian art Enwrapped.

Pope Papal Cross is a symbol of official and can be used only with the Pope. Across the three bars are likely to represent three of the government departments, and the Pope: Church and the world, and the sky.