Continues to offer prayers of saints to help in certain situations, for example, a woman trying to have a child can send prayer or two for San Anne, the patron saint of women without children. Or is concerned about the fate of his son could ask for from Santa Monica, who prayed for many years to transform his rebellious son Augustine.
It is common practice in medieval times for the family to use the names of saints and martyrs, when the names of the children. Use of these names, in accordance with church doctrine, will be holders of the name of protection. At a time when both the disease and war, rising, and everything that could serve as a shield of these forces is very desirable.
That was when some of the most respected names in Christianity, as John, James, Peter, Antonio, and Paul, blossomed in popularity. Parents of girls who were born in this period was a small group of names to choose from, which, as many women saints and martyrs later went into the history of the Church. However, Mary Ann, Elizabeth and Catherine II quickly became very popular.
Saint Agnes
Saint Agatha
Saint Veronica
Saint Mary
Saint Lucy
Saint Maria Goretti
Saint Terese the Little Flower
Saint Monica
Saint Cecilia
Saint Mary
Saint Lucia
Saint Joan of Arc
Saint Madelena
Saint Theresa
Saint Agnese