Bernadette Soubirous was born in 1844, the first son of a poor miller in the town of Lourdes in southern France. The family lived in the basement of an abandoned building, where in February 11.1858, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to Bernadette in a cave above the banks of the Gave River near Lourdes. Bernadette, aged 14, was known as a healthy girl a deaf student is not yet in their first Communion. In poor health, which had suffered from asthma from an early age. There were 18 performances in total, the final version of the feast of Our Lady of Mt. Caramel, July 16. Bernadette Although initial reports provoked skepticism, his daily visions of the "Lady" that the large crowd of onlookers. The Lady, Bernadette explained, had a chapel built on the site of the visions. Had people to wash and clean water in the spring had welles from the spot where Bernadette was instructed to dig. According to Bernadette, the Lady of his visions was a girl of 16 or 17 years wearing a white robe with a blue stripe. Yellow roses on her feet, a rosary in his right arm. The vision of the March 25 he said to Bernadette: "I am the Immaculate Conception." Only when the conditions were explained to him that Bernadette came to tell who was the lady. Few visions ever submitted to the checks that the results of the Immaculate Virgin was submitted. Lourdes is one of the most popular Marian shrines in the world, where millions of visitors. It was reported miracles at the shrine and in the waters of the spring. After thorough examination of the Church authorities confirmed the authenticity of the apparitions in 1862. During his life, Bernadette long. Was caught by the public and public officials until the last, was protected in a nunnery. Five years later, that the request of the Sisters of Notre Dame. After a period of illness that could travel to Lourdes and to enter the novitiate. But within four months after his arrival that he was given the last rites of the Church and can profess their vows. She recovered enough to infirmarian and the sexton, but chronic health problems. She died on April 16, 1879, at age 35. It is sacred in 1933.