Saint Bartholomea CapitanioSaint Bartholomea Capitanio is a known Saint in Australia and America, Her memorial day is 26 July, She was interested to become a nun but later her consideration get focused on the teaching and later on Spirituality. her many of works has been published. She was born in Italy. She is one of the famous Female Saints.
Christian Art
While we have read enough about the Female Saints, we also will study about this matter in future, currently, We are talking about the Christian art, The sacred art's potray are very famous in the public and liked by the Christians around the world, These normally images are Jesus, and the Life of Jesus, in which she is with mother marry, Even in other religions these potrays are used by the peopls and clicked by the large number of peoples, In the process of this, many art workers has jumped in the work and have done alot of things about it. Mihály Munkácsy is a famous art worker of this work he has been known for his classical work for the Art of Christian.Christian paintingsChristians paintings are also a famous work for the peoples and its attract alot of peoples in their work and trend.Christian imagesThese are similiar to the Christians paintings.Modern christian artThere are latest Modern Christian art which are computer graphical workchristian wall artchristian framed artearly christian artchristian tattooschristian art history

St Agatha Medal
Its one of the most known medal within the public and, here we are sharing some good pics of this and these all belongs to you people.

Female Saints As per, We are back after long time, as we can't blog and there was automoted posts were too, which may disturb the readers but now everything will be fine. here we are discussing our posts, which are done by the our the writers, now we will are again give you back with the link too also adding little description.Female Saints Names In this post we have talk about the women and the related matters of names, Female Saints Names are most talked in this post
Female Saints and their patronage about the Female Patron Saints, as post has been added, we are again adding this to the virtue of thinking. and link is given.Female Saints of AnimalsStill we have not done any post on this topic, we will do this by the time and, you will like it. just stay tune.Female Saints for Confirmation Here is post, which we talk about the Roman Catholic Female Saints Names, which is done by the time and its also drive the theme of living.Female Saints A-ZIn this all blog we have talk abou all saints, as this is also fit for the Female Saints A-ZFemale Saints Pictures here are pictures of Female Saints, who are most leading and great were at their time, Female Saints Pictures are here.
Female Saints Names for baptism At this topic also done posts by us, we will talk about these things here and This is about the Female Saints Names for Baptism in the public.Female Saints with Cool Names There have many Cool Names for the female saints, we also have discussed those and lets talk about these posts, Female Saints with Cool names are discussed there.Female Saints of Love All Female Saints are give lesson of Peace and Love, so its will be not easy to discuss anyone, all are Female Saints of Love.