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Lutheran Beliefs

Filed under: by: HussainGardezi

Lutheran beliefs are expressed in many historic Lutheran confessions, most of which were penned by Luther himself or early Lutheran leaders. These confessions were collected bookmarks Concord, which is regarded as authority in doctrine and practice, all the Lutherans.

ELCA Lutheran view of the Book of Concord is an important demonstration of the Lutheran faith, but not necessarily be binding in its entirety all of the modern Lutheran. LCMS Lutherans, on the other hand, "the teachings of their content in a real bind, and the manual is Scripture authoritative than all the pastors, and state and other rostered church workers." 3

Lutheran Book of Concord includes the following texts:

Three Ecumenical beliefs
The Augsburg Confession
Defense is Augsburg Confession
A large catechism
The Small catechism
The Smalcald Article
Study has the power and primacy of the Pope
Embodiment model of Concord
Solid Declaration of the formula Concord

The official notice of the belief that the ELCA is the following:

This church recognizes the three common God invocation, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This church recognizes Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and the Gospel as the power of God is salvation for all who believe in
- Jesus Christ is incarnate Word of God, who all have been made and by whom the life, death and resurrection of God's new creation.
- The declaration of God's message to us the Law and the Gospel is the Word of God, revealing the findings and grace of expression, or act, which begins with the Word in creation, continues the history of Israel, and centering in all the fullness in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
- The canonical scriptures of Old and New Testament was written Word of God. Inspired by God's Spirit speaks through the authors they record and report back to God's revelation centering in Jesus Christ. Through them God's Spirit speaks to us to create and sustain Christian faith and scholarship service worldwide.
This church accepts the canonical Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the inspired word of God and the authoritative source and norm of the proclamation, faith and life.
This church accepts the Apostles', Nicene, and Athanasian religions as true statements, I believe this church.
This church accepts the unaltered Augsburg Confession is a true Gospel witness, recognized as one of the faith and the teachings of all churches, but also to accept the teachings of the unaltered Augsburg Confession.
This church accepts the other confessional writings in the Charter of Concord, namely the forgiveness of the Augsburg Confession, the Smalcald articles and marketing, Small catechism, large catechism, and the formula Concord, as further valid interpretations of faith in the Church.
This church recognizes the Gospel in the Bible, and known as the ecumenical creeds and Lutheran confessional writings as the power of God to create and maintain the Church of God's mission in the world. Saints, Female Siants